In May be #BladderCancerAware May is International Bladder Cancer Awareness month
Our charity will be contacting many of you directly by email or telephone during the month to connect our efforts with yours. We hope that you can take some time during May to highlight Bladder Cancer in your workplace, on your social media, with your friends, at clubs... anywhere you can! Start the conversation today on bladder cancer.
Recent International Statistics suggest more than 40% of Bladder Cancer patients don't survive. We can save so much heartache through early diagnosis. So let's all get the "Blood in pee" message out loud and clear in May.
Bladder Cancer Awareness Poster
The Official Hashtag The official hashtag for Bladder Cancer Awareness month is #BladderCancerAware ~ please use it on your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in May!
Check the #BladderCancerAware trend on your platform now: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Walk For Dan USANZ Brisbane Thanks to everyone who came to see us at the recent USANZ Convention in Brisbane. We underestimated the demand for our booklets and we were out of stock by Monday lunchtime. All who requested copies to be mailed should have received them by now. If you need copies of our Patient Guidebook or Urinary Diversion booklet just send us a request at contact@PROTECTED.
Congratulations to Nish L, an International visitor, who won the guitar that was donated by The School Locker!
This mailing list is announce-only.
Bladder Cancer Australia - International NeoBladder Survey - Ileal Conduit Survey